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Our Beer

Brewery Fortuna - from Poland

Komes Imperial Amber Ale

Komes Imperial Amber Ale is an extraordinary beer created in order to commemorate 125 years of the Fortuna Brewery’s operations. This is a genuine speciality: a strong beer with a wonderful amber hue, dry-hopped with a mixture of several hop varieties. It is brewed with the addition of malt roasted at Browar Fortuna, in compliance with more than 100 years of the brewery’s craft tradition. The drink’s bouquet and flavour will change over time, owing to the natural, time-consuming fermentation taking place in the bottle. It will win any beer lover’s heart with its fruity notes combined with touches of hops, resin and roasted malt.

Price CategorySpecialty, Import

Beer Style

Alcohol By Vol.10%



20 X 16.9 fl. oz.699176-585249 123ABC

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Piwo z Grodziska
(Historical Gratzer Style)

Piwo z Grodziska (pronounced “Peevo zGrogeeska”) is the original Polish Gratzer style beer brewed according to the original recipe in the 700 year old tradition. Just like in the past, it is brewed only in Grodzisk Wielkopolski, using only the finest local ingredients.   The unique flavor is attributed to the local water source. Wheat […]

Duchesse Petite – take it on the go in 11.2 oz cans!

Experience the Refreshing new taste of Duchesse’s little sister! Duchesse Petite is a Flemish Red Ale aged in Oak. The beer is brewed with deeply roasted malt, spicy hops, fruity yeast and fresh water from a well with a depth of 172 m, which ensures constant quality and purity impeccable water. After the main and […]