Duchesse RED is a top-fermented Flanders Red Ale matured in wine oak casks for several months and macerated with cherries. Featuring aromas of fruit with hints of almonds and light sour cherries, the taste is initially sweet and fruity and keeps the balance nicely with a refreshing aftertaste.
Price CategorySpecialty, Import
Beer StyleFruit Beer
Alcohol By Vol.7%
CharacteristicsSweet & Tart Belgian Ale
6 x 4 x 11.2 fl. oz. cans699176-586243
20L keg699176-586250
Val-Dieu Grand Cru from Brasserie De L’Abbaye Du Val-Dieu is the latest addition from Cistercian abbey of Val-Dieu, has a deep dark color, is quite oily and spicy, with aroma of roasted malt, chocolate and port wine; finishes slightly dry.